Tuesday 11 August 2015


UMNO flag

Che Det and UMNO logo

Che Det became active in the Unted malays National Organisation (UMNO), Malaysia's largest political party. And was elected to its policy makin group, the Supreme Council. With the support of the UMNO, he won a seat in House of Representatives in 1964. He wrote a book, The Malay dilemma, demandingaffirmative action for indigenous Malays and equal status with Chinese-Malaysians. And Che Det also criitizing Malays' "economic backwardness". The Umno banned the book and expelled Mahathir from the party.

 The Malay Dilemma book (new version)

Prime minister, Abdul Rahman resigned in 1970. And after Che Det was reinstated in the UMNO in 1972, his political career took off. Che Det reelected to the parliament in 1973. He was also promoted to a cabinet position and rose deputy prime minister in1976. He became prime minister just five years later when his predecassor, Tun Hussein Onn, retired.

Che Det at the flag raising ceremony in conjuction with the 1985 general asembly a day after the opening the  UMNO complex

Che Det and his wife in UMNO's Annual Grand Meeting

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